Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com

I’m BACK (pun intended)

I haven’t blogged in a little while. So I have some updates…

First of all, I decided to begin my taper 1 week early! Instead of a 1-week taper, I decided to listen to my body and go with a 2-week taper. I made that decision because I started getting really tired, lothargic, and lacking some energy in workouts. These are signs of overtraining, and that is the LAST thing I want to have happen right now. So I ran my 20-mile run last weekend, and began my taper!

A couple days after that, I ended up re-aggravating an old injury in my lower back. It’s an injury I’m quite familiar with, so I knew I just needed to rest. Well unfortunately, I haven’t run in about 6 days due to this injury!

I decided to complete a missed track workout from last week this morning. It was a great session and my back felt great!

I was ecstatic once I began running this morning. Not only did I miss it, but I felt incredible.

2-mile warmup
7x1200m @ 7:25/mile pace
2-mile cooldown

I executed perfectly and all that’s left to do now is maintain my fitness, stay hydrated and fueled properly, and rest as much as I can this upcoming week!

26.2 in 7 days…here we go.