Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com

EPISODE 73: Win Your Daily Battles

– 4x4x48 Challenge RECAP!

– Mitch Rockin’ HP Gear, check out the store!

– Stick to the Program

– Take your time in recovery

– If you do anything long enough, you learn how to BATTLE through struggle

– Always be disciplined and seek advice

– HUGE Athlete shoutout to Andrew in the water! Longtime listener and incredible work ethic!

– 4x4x48 … 90% MENTAL?!

– What I learned

– Things I experienced

– New definition of COMFORT

– If the plane goes down, put YOUR oxygen mask on first

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit