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Posts by Ohx803T

EPISODE 90: Lake Placid 140.6 Preview

– LAKE PLACID 140.6 Expectations

– ELECTRIC Atmosphere here in Placid


– Life Stress and the impact it has on training

– In-depth Swim discussion pre and pos-practice swim

– Timing expectations for all three disciplines

– Comparison to previous 140.6 race 3 years ago in Maryland

– With age (experience) comes WISDOM

– Racing smart on race day to get the best performance on the day!

– Thank you all for the support

– Tracking in the IRONMAN app – search “Hayden Gerhart”


– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– LIV’s Promise : Please click here to learn more and support! LIV’s Promise

EPISODE 89: When is Enough Enough?

– Sign up for the RUCK Cancer event virtually or in-person!! RUCK Cancer (runsignup.com)


– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– LIV’s Promise : Please click here to learn more and support! LIV’s Promise

– Life Update

– When is enough, enough?

– Will it ever be enough?

– Know your audience and your circle, respond accordingly

– Lay the foundation, then BUILD IT, STRENGTHEN IN

– Find your PURPOSE

– Push the envelope


– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 88: Eagleman 70.3 Recap with Ryan Sippel

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Need HillPursuit ZOOT Gear?! Let me know!!

– Eagleman 70.3 Recap with Ryan (6th OA, 2nd AG finish)

– Swim

– Bike

– Run

– Expectations vs Reality

– Lessons Learned

– Good and Bad

– What’s next?!

– Thanks to Ryan for joining the show!

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 87: Pittsburgh Marathon 2024

– LIV’s Promise : Please click here to learn more and support! LIV’s Promise

– Sign up for the RUCK Cancer event virtually or in-person!! RUCK Cancer (runsignup.com)

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Need HillPursuit ZOOT Gear?! Let me know!!

– Life Update

– Olivia is happy and we have a huge week ahead, appreciate continued thoughts and prayers!

– I PR’d my 10k time FOUR times in a row?! How on earth??

– Tempo sessions and Speed work were incredible leading up to marathon

– Attempted to finish between 3:40-3:45

– Couldn’t quite make it happen

– Left hamstring/glute issues, but what does it mean moving forward??

– Why you need to strength train and how I’m modifying my own programming

– Despite being disappointed at the finish line, I’m more pleased with my effort NOW

– You need to gauge your performance off of one key metric

– How is my PR 70.3 race NOT my best 70.3 race?? Does this even make sense??

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 86: 5 Key Runs You Must Include in Marathon Prep

– LIV’s Promise : Please click here to learn more and support! LIV’s Promise

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Need HillPursuit ZOOT Gear?! Let me know!!

– Life Update… Cancer sucks… Things going well… Nonprofit

– Ruck Cancer RUCK Cancer (runsignup.com)

– THE 5 RUNS YOU MUST INCLUDE IN YOUR MARATHON PREP (or long-distance triathlon)

– If you give 10 chefs the same ingredients, you’ll still get 10 different pizzas

#1 TEMPO RUN – at planned race pace or slightly faster

#2 ANAEROBIC RUN – track workouts, shorter tempo interval sessions, sprinting, hills

#3 BIG VOLUME MILEAGE RUN – accumulating large working mileage at faster pacing than race pace

#4 TIMED RUN – aka “cruise” – learn to listen to your body without forcing distance or pace

#5 MOST IMPORTANT RUN – Discipline required

– If this is foreign to you, HIRE A COACH!!

– Don’t simply GUESS at how you should be doing this on a weekly basis, or within a larger training block

– Appreciate all the support

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! Hill Pursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

The GOOD and BAD of Treadmill Running


It’s that time of year.


It’s cold outside. Wet. Snowy. Icy. Windy. Dark. Quiet…


And you’re registered for a spring marathon.


Ha! Good luck!


…just kidding. But in all seriousness. What do you do when you’re about 4-6 months away from a huge event this time of year? You don’t have many options, to be honest. Run outside in any or all of the conditions listed above…or run on a treadmill.


Most people choose to run on a treadmill if they have the access. By “access” I mean if they “own” one. I’d go out on a limb and say 99% of people training for races have some sort of gym membership. So sure, of course you have access. But driving to the gym in these conditions also has it’s limitations. First of all, if you want to run EARLY, you might not be able to. You probably need to wait until 6am when the gym opens. For those of you who like running earlier than that, your hands are tied! Not to mention, the gym requires significantly more preparation compared to running on a treadmill you own. Get stuff ready, warm the car up because it’s been sitting outside in the elements overnight, prepare your gym bag, prepare a shower bag, prepare your fuel/supplements, etc. etc. I own a treadmill and all I do is put my sneakers on, walk downstairs, and go. It’s pretty awesome. Any time of day, too, which is a huge plus.


This time of the season comes around and I typically always find myself on the treadmill. I’m not saying it’s either GOOD or BAD…but I’ll provide some feedback I’ve experienced lately, and you can be the judge.



Pacing is KEY for big marathon preps. Race pace, tempo runs, tempo intervals, sprints, long slow distance runs, anaerobic intervals…all of these can be controlled on the treadmill very easily. You can kind of FORCE yourself to adhere to your program a bit better by seeing your pacing. When you’re outside, you may have a goal in mind, but it’s up to you to move your body at the appropriate pace to get the specific adaptation from the session. The treadmill does the work for you. If you’re running a tempo run at 20 seconds faster than your marathon pace, you can be guaranteed (if it’s calibrated correctly) that the treadmill will stay at that pace the entire run. If you’re attempting to run a long slow distance (LSD) run on the treadmill (I do NOT advise this), you can easily select pacing that falls within the 2-2:30 SLOWER (yes, you read that right) pace that’s required (I’ll dive into that relevance another time).



Temperature is also important when you’re running for awhile. If you’re running outdoors in 90+ degrees, your fueling changes. You prepare differently when you’re in different climates. At least, you should. When you’re running on the treadmill, you can also use a fan! If your pain cave is super hot and humid, crank that fan and get some airflow! The temperature greatly influences your pacing as well. If the temperature is very hot outdoors, you are FORCED to slow your planned pacing. I once raced in a marathon that used colors to indicate the severity of the temperature. It was so hot and humid that it was recommended athletes should reduce their planned marathon pacing per mile by 90 seconds…what marathoner you know would drop their overall goal time by 40 minutes?! NONE. Needless to say, lots of athletes hit the wall very early and completely bonked in that race. I was one of them. But the same concern should exist when the weather is COLD outside! Your thermoregulatory responses CHANGE in different temperatures. It’s good to “practice” what you feel like and how you should fuel if you’re racing in cold or warm temperatures. Everything changes when you get off the treadmill.



This is a curious one, but relevant in my opinion. Let’s keep it simple. If you’re indoor on a treadmill, you can wear less clothing because the climate is controlled (see above). But if you’re running outside this time of year, you are bundling up! This IMMEDIATELY raises your skin, core, and total body temperature. Without diving into the physiology, all three of those metrics matter. Yes, the cooler outdoor temperatures will surely prevent you from overheating, perhaps. BUT you will likely start sweating faster due to the microenvironment created by skin and clothing contact. Just a thought…it may not negatively impact your run, HR, performance, etc. but it’s certainly something to be mindful of. Because again, if your temperature and/or thermoregulatory responses are altered, your fueling should also likely change.



This is an easy one. Treadmill has no distractions. Outside running has a lot of distractions. Due to the required awareness of outside running, it’s possible that you’re expending more energy simply by focusing a bit more (mentally, and also your running gait, avoiding potholes, skipping over sidewalks, running off the road if a car passes, etc. etc. – this all burns extra energy and requires mental focus). This is both good and bad. You’re expending more energy, yes. Perhaps that’s good in terms of caloric burn. But it’s NOT good in terms of running economy. Running economy refers to metabolic cost at a given intensity or pace. In simplest terms, if you’re running at an 8:00min/mile pace on a treadmill for 10 miles, let’s say your HR is 130bpm. Now let’s take the 10 miles at 8:00min/mile outside instead of the treadmill. You’re wearing sweats, winter hat, gloves, it’s rainy and dark so you have a headlamp, you’re dodging cars as they pass, and jumping over sidewalk edges…your HR may jump to 145 for the duration of that run, at the (alleged) SAME intensity. Make sense? This is avoided by running indoor on a treadmill. BUT running without distractions isn’t really practical, is it? I mean, when you’re racing, you absolutely will have to deal with some of those distractions. The treadmill does NOT prepare you for dealing with those distractions, and may, in fact, provide you with a false sense of efficiency at given speeds.



This is one that certainly favors road running, in my opinion. The treadmill may have some advantages related to some of the items that you can “control,” but in terms of injuries, there are some specific negatives associated with the treadmill it’s important to be aware of. First of all, when you’re running outside, sure there’s the potential for injury. These potential injuries are related to stress, excessive volume, maybe tripping over something, vehicles, etc. But on the treadmill, the interaction between shoe and belt isn’t favorable for the hip/knee/ankle/foot. The impact is high. Higher than outdoors; almost like a pounding that can become dangerous if too much volume is on the treadmill (sure, this also depends on body weight). But hip/knee/ankle stress is high on a treadmill. The potential for overuse injuries is a bit higher here. Theres also the obvious potential to fall off the treadmill! Again, if you’re too distracted with Netflix or not paying attention…BOOM. There goes the season. Lastly, damage to the bottom of the foot, or some form of plantar fasciitis can occur. Damage to the deep tissue is possible due to the excess stress. This also depends on the shoe you’re wearing and your efficiency with each foot contact. Talk to a professional if this is overwhelming!


In summary, I’m not really sure what’s “BETTER” this time of year. I know the treadmill has some benefits. I know running outdoor has some benefits. Both can absolutely be used, and I think you SHOULD incorporate both at different times for different reasons, especially this time of year.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about any of this! And share your thoughts, too. Which do YOU think is best???

EPISODE 85: Importance of the Off-Season

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Nice power rack, Mitch!

– Hunting recap

– Ken is counting down the minutes to Dad Life

– Squatober

– Ruck Runs

– You will never find Ken in a pool again

– Swimming is fun, lane signups are not


– Why your offseason needs to be strong

– Some athletes do NOTHING, others are VERY BUSY in the offseason

– In-season maintenance

– Build, patience, PLAN

– What should you do if you get bored? We have some solutions!

– Prioritize lifting based on season and demand of other training

– What is “training age” and why is it important?

– Discipline matters

– Should you be attempting back squat PRs while in a marathon prep? Or vice versa?

– Old Time Strength

– Exercise is fun

– Humans need to be doing EVERYTHING

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 84: Monday Never Comes

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Dad duty is ANY DAY for Ken! Good luck brother!

– Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

– Holiday sickness struck us down…hard

– New Years Resolutions…Good? Bad? Everything inbetween

– Do NOT wait until tomorrow

– By January 14, 40% of people fall off their goals

– By February, nearly 90% of people fall off their goals

– New Years fitness marketing is WILDDDDD!!

– Lunk Alarm???

– Monday Never Comes

– 90% of people will succeed

– 90% of people will fail…do the math

– You simply cannot undo 20-30 years of bad habits within a few months!

– Try restructuring your “resolutions” so that you’re creating healthy behaviors that are sustainable for the long haul

– How you should re-think your resolutions (if you made any)

– 1 potato chip = 10 pounds…

– Can’t outWORK a bad diet! Cliche, but true

– Ken won’t share any names, but GOOD LUCK!

– Ken was bad at all sports except wrestling

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 83: Reflecting on 2023; Looking Ahead to 2024

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Offseason Strength Programming Special is LIVE!! Limited slots, message immediately

– Frigid 5-miler and meeting a TON of Victory family!

– 4x4x48 … lessons learned

– 13.1

– summer training was INCREDIBLE!

– July…Ohhhh July… where to begin

– PSU 70.3

– Hip Injury

– Concussion

– Ohio 70.3

– Family FIRST

– #blessed

– 3-day water fast….why?!

– what’s on deck for 2024?!

– “A” races include Lake Placid 140.6 and Pittsburgh Marathon

– “B” race includes Eagleman 70.3

– everything else is FUN WITH FRIENDS!

– Have a very Happy New Year, best of luck in 2024!!

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

72-Hour Water Fast

Recently I decided to do a 72-hour water fast. That’s right…I only drank water (with electrolytes) for 72 hours. I’ll be honest, it’s somewhat of a “fad” lately, although fasting has been around for forever. This “72-hour water fast” has been made popular recently by a few mainstream influencers. People like Gary Brecka, Dana White, Joe Rogan…have all shared either personal experiences or thoughts about the concept. Naturally, the almighty social media algorithm pushed found its way to my feed, so I did a little (only a little) research before deciding to give it a try.

I’ve never been one to fast. Not at all. I think the last time I intentionally fasted I was 18 and wrestling. I have probably fasted for 3 days + back then, trying to cut weight, doing things dangerously, not emphasizing salt/electrolytes while doing it, working out in sauna suits…not smart.

Fast forward 15 years and now I’m doing it again with purpose. Well, what actually is the purpose? I’ll get into that later. For now, take a look at how my fast went from start to finish.


Sunday Dec. 17, 2023 – final meal before fast at 5:00pm

We had been traveling to see family this past weekend. As we were driving to on the highway, I mentioned to my wife that I might start the 72-hour water fast on Sunday after our dinner together with everyone. She, of course, said I’m an idiot but I still stayed the course.

Around 4:30pm one of our family members fired up the grill and I ended up finishing my meal by 5:00pm. I put absolutely zero thought into WHAT my final meal should consist of. No clue?! Since we were grilling out, it was the typical burgers/hotdogs kind of meal, so I was fine with that. I filled up by 5:00pm. We had about a 2-hour drive home so I decided that 5:00pm meal was the last one. No need to wait to start at 7:00pm after eating again that night. Plus, it was close enough to actual dinner time that it would be easy to make it through the night.

Really no effort up to this point.


Monday morning Dec. 18, 2023

No real issue waking up. I decided I would train/exercise regularly during the 3-day water fast, but this day actually got away from me. I could have squeezed something in later in the day, but I figured it might be smart to kind of just calibrate how I’m feeling throughout the day, and not force in the session. So I actually didn’t exercise on Monday morning like I usually do.

I had planned ahead (a little bit) in terms of electrolytes. I like to train with LMNT sticks! So I used a couple sticks each day, simply added it to my water and drank it throughout the day. I could certainly tell the difference when I hadn’t had LMNT for a few hours. Not only is there a little flavor to it, but the electrolytes help regulate blood volume and hydration as best as possible. Some of these electrolytes can be missed when you aren’t consuming food. Additionally, I know some amino acids are missed during fasting periods, but I didn’t plan well enough to supplement with anything else. Not a big deal, according to what I had read, so I was still in a good spot.


Monday Dec. 18, 2023 – 5:00pm: 24 hours into the fast

That first full day wasn’t tough until dinner time. My body’s internal cues for fuel started taking over and dinner time was somewhat of a struggle. Even still, it wasn’t awful. I was only 24 hours into the fast and still feeling okay, all things considered. I believe I had two sticks of LMNT today. Drank a TON of water on top of the LMNT-mixed water. Was feeling decent. It helped going to sleep, too.


Tuesday Dec. 19, 2023 – 6:00am: 37 hours into the fast

I decided to train today. I woke up and decided to run. Right now, my “running” is on the treadmill. I have three little girls, one on a bottle in the mornings, and all three currently with horrible sleeping habits. So outside running is hard to come by for me. I just take the baby monitor downstairs and hope to get my session in. Anyways, instead of doing intervals or tempo efforts, I just decided to run low and slow for about an hour. The run did NOT feel good. I ended up stopping at 45 minutes because it felt kind of awful, honestly. The heart rate response was fine, not weird at all for the intensity. I just felt off, and of course was lacking energy. In any case, the feeling actually went away about 30 minutes post-exercise. The endorphins kicked in and I was feeling as “normal” as possible. Actually felt pretty good.

Later in the morning I even went to the gym and lifted for an hour. That lifting session was nothing to call home about, but I still lifted. I’d even call it a productive session. It certainly felt strange without fueling prior and fueling after…this is why it’s important to supplement with amino acids when doing something like this. But I was so close to the end already, I could deal with the discomfort.


Tuesday Dec. 19, 2023 – 5:00pm: 48 hours into the fast

This was somewhat of a victory! I kind of celebrated with my wife. Well not really. She had wine while I had…water. But I felt completely fine. Energy levels clearly lower, but not feeling ill or anything bad. I can do anything for a day, right??


Wednesday Dec. 20, 2023 – 5:00am: 60 hours into the fast

Didn’t sleep great. I’m not sure if this was a side effect of the fast, perhaps my chronological rhythm was thrown off without typical feeding times. My internal clock was acting wonky, and sleep wasn’t great overnight. In any case, I woke up feeling decent, but tired. I hold a weekly “team ride” virtually on Zwift. I decided to hold it this morning during the fast. We accumulated about 1800ft of “elevation” virtually, which was about double what I had planned. I mistakenly miscalculated the difficulty of the terrain. My intention was to keep the course easier, and I slipped up. Oh well!

Interesting phenomena here. At minute 50 of the 90-minute ride, I felt INCREDIBLE. I had been keeping the entire ride VERY light up to that point. But at minute 50 I felt so good that I planned to push a little intensity over the last 30 minutes. I was able to push pretty hard for the last 30 minutes, and once again felt great after the workout. Thank you endorphins. I am still absolutely slamming water and LMNT at this point. Pretty much all day. After my workout I checked my body weight, knowing this would be the lightest I would be throughout the 3-day fast. I was 11 pounds lighter than my starting weight. I knew as soon as I started drinking more after the workout I’d put it right back on, and I was right.


Wednesday Dec. 20, 2023 – 1:00pm: 68 hours into the fast

At this point I know the end is in sight and I’m starving. It’s one of those things that when you know the last mile or two is coming of the marathon, those miles feel harder…simply because they’re the final two miles. Mental? Likely. So I needed to try to stay busy. I did my best to stay occupied but I was very very hungry. Still overall felt okay, though.


Wednesday Dec. 20, 2023 – 5:00pm: 72 hours into the fast

Well I made it! It wasn’t bad. The wife says, well why not just keep going? … I digress. I had taken my daughters to a trampoline park earlier in the day, then out to lunch at Chik-fil-A. You better believe I got myself a sandwich so I could eat immediately at 5:00pm even though we had dinner plans later. So 5:00pm comes around and I absolutely murdered that chicken sandwich. It did nothing for me haha! I was still incredibly hungry but knew it was best to not simply continue devouring food.

We went to Texas Roadhouse. We hadn’t been there in forever and I wanted a good steak so we gave it a shot. I forgot how good those dinner rolls are though…and appetizers… so by the time my steak came out, I had begun digesting some of the food I’d eaten, and my stomach felt like it had shrunk maybe 3x smaller than normal. All of a sudden I was incredibly full. I did eat about half of my steak, but I literally wasn’t able to finish it! Weird feeling…

Okay so why did I do this.

Well first of all, I’m not always the person who fully thinks things through. I DO, but not always fully. So the “research” I did was minimal. Not a lot more than hearing (podcasts) and reading (social media) a few different things. I quickly just considered it a challenge and decided to try it. Of course after making that choice, I then made sure that I did it safely by adding in sufficient electrolytes throughout the day. That was a gamechanger, by the way.

But, what are the benefits.

The biggest “potential” benefit is something called autophagy. This is a cellular process that is linked to cellular repair and regeneration. I also say “potential” benefit because although this is researched and documented information, every human being responds to physical demands inherently differently (hot, cold, exercise, food, NO food, etc.). The metabolic benefits can potentially include things like increased insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and of course there is also the possibility of acute weight loss. When you put your body into a state of starvation, your body will naturally transition from carbohydrates to fats as a predominant fuel source. So there’s potential to lose a little bit of body fat. I think in total I lost about 6 pounds. That’s weight I assume will come right back once I’m back to eating normally.

The other big “reason” people do this is as it relates to cancer. The autophagy concept kind of plays in here. Regeneration of cells, repairing cells, etc. There is a thought that conducting a 72-hour water fast can exponentially reduce one’s risk of EVER developing cancer due to this autophagy concept. I’m not going to throw a percentage out for that statement at all, because it’s important to note that the research related to fasting and cancer isn’t necessarily definitive, and I’m certainly not going to reference a social media influencer’s percentage as it relates to cancer risk. BUT if it is possible to reduce cancer risk from a 72-hour water fast, why the heck isn’t EVERYONE doing this?! …


Maybe they should be.