Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com


EPISODE 71: Get to Know Coach Ashley

Today we have the pleasure of formally introducing Coach Ashley from Case Specific Nutrition. Ashley has recently joined HillPursuit in a collaborative effort to provide nutritional services to our athletes. She is a highly decorated athlete and coach, who has a ton of expertise in the Nutrition space. As a registered dietitian, she is able to work with any and everybody, ranging from those with metabolic diseases to individuals trying to qualify for Kona. Ashley is a huge asset to our team and we’re lucky to have her! I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about Ashley in today’s podcast episode. Enjoy!

– Meet Coach Ashley from Case Specific Nutrition

– Athletic Background

– Dealing with Injuries

– Unique introduction to Sport Nutrition

– Own Personal Race Goals! Big ones

– Building a Nutrition Plan TOGETHER

– Expertise with diseased populations, Ironman athletes, and everyone inbetween

– 1-on-1 Consults

– Stay tuned for Nutrition Shorts from Ashley


– @beaming_dietitian_

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit


EPISODE 70: Performance Over Pounds

– Kenny is feeling GOOD (still)

– Should athletes worry about their body weight???

– Importance of PERFORMANCE vs WEIGHT

– It’s okay to gain weight during different sport seasons

– Leave vs Fat Mass

– HUGE congrats to Sky for FTP improvement!

– Having Blind Faith

– Kenny shares nutrition/performance client success stories

– Athletes are built in the off-season

– Cold-Water Immersion … Bro-Science or Real Science?!

– Sauna and Cold Plunge Benefits

– Nutrition Short Clips are coming

– Find Kenny at Progressive Strength Project on Socials

– progressivestrength12@gmail.com

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 69: Get to Know Coach Ken

Today we have the pleasure of formally introducing Coach Ken Rogers from Progressive Strength Project. Ken has been with HillPursuit for quite some time, near the beginning! He is not only an incredible athlete, but he offers a wide variety of Nutritional Services to our athletes here at HillPursuit, and has recently diversified his expertise to endurance athletes with Victory Multisport. Ken is an asset to our team and we’re lucky to have him! I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about Ken in today’s podcast episode. Enjoy!

– NEW WEBSITE!! https://hillpursuit.com/

– Meet Coach Ken from Progressive Strength Project

– Athletic Background

– School of “wikipedia” and wrestling

– “We can get away with a lot when we’re young”

– The importance of education and setting the right example

– Personal injuries led to a passion to “show clients what I wish I knew”

– Discover Ken’s areas of expertise and services he provides

– Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching packages

– Race Prep Strategies and Packages

– Current fitness goal: Zercher clean 295lb

– “Can you afford to feel tired?”

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 68: World Record Pullup Recap

– NEW WEBSITE!! https://hillpursuit.com/

– Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

– Dive right in…How’d it go for Ken’s World Record Attempt??

– 3 days leading into the event

– Carb Load

– How to get in the right head space for a 24-hour attempt

– Important milestones Ken hit along the way

– Feeling good at 5,000

– Nervous System issues

– Did he do it?? Will he do it AGAIN??

– Ken successfully raised over $3,000 for Hope for the Warriors

– “People need to experience this type of pain. Get in a dark place and LEARN about yourself. Go do something hard.”

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 65: Don’t Give In To The Pain

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!


– Changes this hunting season

– Victory Multisport!!

– USA Triathlon!!

– Mighty Moraine Man

– Akron Marathon taper, race strategy

– 3:59:59 is the goal!

– A strong mental game reduces stress

– How far can adrenaline carry you in a marathon?

– Papa Moyer puttin’ in work!

– New Website Coming Soon!

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 64: Ohio 70.3 Race Recap

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!

– Brief personal update

– MMA future for Mitch???

– Race Recap

– 2:30AM wakeup call

– No wetsuit!!

– Very challenging swim against the current

– Big improvement in T1

– Humbled on the bike

– Aid Station Mistake!

– Experience led to a solid performance on the run

– Anything can happen on any day at any course

– Proud!

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 63: Ohio 70.3 Race Preview

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!

– Weighing in…is it important?

– Excess and Depletion are always bad

– Carb Load Commence!

– Ohio 70.3 in a few short days

– Swim Start = Jumping off a Ferry???

– Fast Transitions are Vital

– Who cares about the weather??

– Control the controllables

– Heat/Humidity will FORCE Athletes to monitor nutrition throughout the day

– Be ready to make adjustments in real time

– Check your Ego at the Door!

– Race safe and happy!

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 62: Athlete Readiness

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!

– Early morning this morning! At least it feels like it…

– The Ultimate Fighter

– Mitch’s back feeling good, slow and steady

– swim/bike/run STRONG

– Athlete Guide is available FINALLY!!

– Taper is coming, what’s it look like?

– Mental taper is equally important, things to consider

– Rodeo!

– Athletes come in many shapes and sizes

– All athletes have some amount of toughness or grit in them

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 61: Post-Vacation Vibes

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!

– What’s it take to get back in the groove after time off?

– Training sport specific musculature

– Resistance training has a MASSIVE crossover effect in other sports, especially endurance sports

– Energy systems are always interacting!

– Uphill running strategies

– Heat and humidity have the potential to completely change the game

– Too early Ohio 70.3 predictions

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 60: Eagleman Race Recap

– CLICK HERE to access our latest podcast episode!!

– Eagleman Race Recap

– Weather and Food Issues day before…LESSON LEARNED!

– Swim of my LIFE!

– Rainy but fast bike

– Raced the run and felt pleased

– 45 minute PR

– Goals for Ohio 70.3

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com