Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com


EPISODE 81: Ken’s Journey to Ironman Cali

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Interested in Hill Pursuit ZOOT gear?! Reach out ASAP!

– Offseason Strength Programming Special is LIVE!! Limited slots, message immediately.

– 140.6 right around the corner for Ken in Cali!

– Why does Ken train in the “worst case scenario?”

– INTENSE swimming gains!

– Mental game is where it needs to be

– Gear is ready, bike is ready, nutrition is ready…

– By the numbers, times, watts, pacing, etc…

– “If you feel good, slow down. If you feel like crap, eat.”

– The importance of breaking the race into segments

– Weather looks incredible

– Truett Haines, new pullup record! Will Ken give it another go?!

– Good luck, Ken! Find him in the Ironman Tracker; Ken Rogers

– progressivestrengthproject.com ; progressivestrengthproject12@gmail.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 80: Managing Training and Life

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Hill Pursuit ZOOT STORE coming soon!! Stay tuned!!

– Offseason Strength Programming Special coming VERY soon!! Message with questions if you’re interested!

– You need to prioritize SOMETHING; food, sleep, movement, training…what’s right for you

– First cold plunge of the year!! 57deg F

– Motivation comes and goes…DISCIPLINE is entirely different

– Sometimes your WHY frankly is not enough. This is where discipline makes the difference

– Training doesn’t need to be “all in” or “all out”

– The way YOU get in what works for you will look different for everyone


– progressivestrengthproject.com ; progressivestrengthproject12@gmail.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 79: Take the Time to Get Healthy

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Ken Update

– 5-6 weeks out from 140.6 Sac!

– What is Ken MOST excited about, and MOST fearful of in the upcoming race?!

– MASSIVE VictoryMultisport Athlete shoutouts! Big congratulations!


– GENDER REVEAL!! You already know

– Sickness update ; 3 weeks OUT, yikes

– Don’t rush getting healthy, give it time

– MMM brief summary

– No more races in 2023, said no to the marathon. Why?

– Hear about a current research study…low carb (Ketogenic) dietary intervention and cycling performance

– low carb is NOT for everyone

– Eat to FUEL

– PLEASE reach out with specific questions, we’re happy to help!

– progressivestrengthproject.com ; progressivestrengthproject12@gmail.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on X, Facebook, and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 78: Ohio 70.3 Race Recap

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Ken’s Hawaii trip recap

– Happy 30th birthday, Ken!

– SPECIAL congratulations to Coach Kenny Rogers…welcome to the club!

– After 9 training sessions, thanks to Coach Ken for hopping on the cast, big day

– Shoutout to RICK from Ohio 70.3! Please reach out here or DM us, would love to connect!

– Okay here’s the recap, thanks for sticking with us!

– Tons of family support

– Tons of Victory Multisport crew support

– 1 transition area, very smooth!

– Made a mistake before the race even started!

– A tough swim, but it was expected

– Slaughtered the bike course

– Started the run strong, gradually fell off

– Much better race performance than Happy Valley!

– Quite pleased with the day, a special day

– Why is Ohio 70.3 special to me as it relates to Victory Multisport??

– Lake Placid 140.6 in 2024

– “Find someone to go FAR with you”

– progressivestrengthproject.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 77: Happy Valley 70.3 Race Recap; A Different Kind of PR

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– 140.6 on the radar for Ken

– New wheels and loving it!

– Listen in to Coach Ken’s swim mechanics revelation


– Ken ran away from a BEAR, for real

– Happy Valley 70.3 Recap

– Offroad T1…less than ideal

– Bike hills at mile 28 and 40

– How bad were those hills?

– Entire race plan changed in an instant

– Slogged the run

– Very proud finish, a different kind of PR

– There is no such thing as an easy IRONMAN

– Ken has a big head, literally it’s XXL

– progressivestrengthproject.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

EPISODE 76: Happy Valley 70.3 Race Preview

– Check out the latest blog post for FULL notes on this EPISODE!! Blog – Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Read the Athlete Guide!

– Bike cutoff is 6 hours, not 5.5 hours

– I do NOT know the water temperature!

– The course is fast up to the first climb around mile 28

– First big climb is short, but steep

– The big climb is almost 3 miles long, 900 feet of elevation, and nearly 20 minutes of effort

– Calibrate your effort throughout this course and PREPARE for the big climbs!

– University Drive is a sneaky little hill! Don’t underestimate it

– FULL NOTES on this course are in the latest blog, go check it out! Blog – Hill Pursuit – hillpursuit.com

– Check out our COACHING, WEBSITE, STORE and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

Episode 75: Simmulating Race Experiences in Training

– PSU Happy Valley 70.3 recon episode will be out VERY SOON!!

– Happy 30th birthday Ken!

– Mitch has to slum it with the regulars at his local gym

– Don’t play the comparison game, know your source!

– HELP people when you can

– Ken discusses his Ironman training

– Should we have guest speakers come on the show?

– Mitch discusses long duration hunt programming

– How can we simulate race experiences in training?

– Riding hills…running hills…open water swimming, etc.

– We aint swimming with sharks

– Minor injury setbacks but we’re still ripping

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 74: The 4th Discipline of Triathlon

– Life Update…Hayden = Dad x 3!! (and all girls…oh boy)

– Ken is joining Team Victory Multisport! This time as an ATHLETE, attacking full distance Ironman California in October

– Day 1 for Ken was brutal after 10 months of minimal running/cardio

– Some common issues when starting to train for full-distance Ironman

– 70.3 and 140.6 are NOT the same when it comes to training!!

– You MUST get acclimated with increased training volume

– Swimming is hard … haha!

– Shoutout to Brian Leek for nabbing a world’s slot!!

– Huge weekend recap for Victory Multisport Athletes!! Congrats to all athletes who raced!


– Control what you can control. That’s it.

– 140.6’ers are CRAZY people

– VMS team camp coming up!

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 73: Win Your Daily Battles

– 4x4x48 Challenge RECAP!

– Mitch Rockin’ HP Gear, check out the store!

– Stick to the Program

– Take your time in recovery

– If you do anything long enough, you learn how to BATTLE through struggle

– Always be disciplined and seek advice

– HUGE Athlete shoutout to Andrew in the water! Longtime listener and incredible work ethic!

– 4x4x48 … 90% MENTAL?!

– What I learned

– Things I experienced

– New definition of COMFORT

– If the plane goes down, put YOUR oxygen mask on first

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit

EPISODE 72: 4x4x48

– What is the 4x4x48 Challenge?

– 4 miles every 4 hours over 48 hours

– Sleep deprivation

– What’s the point?

– What are MY limits? The brain and body operate on different scales

– Find limits, then find new ones

– This translates to LIFE!

– Noone runs at 2am unless they’re being chased

– Do something hard, you don’t want to have too many “what ifs” later in life

– How I got into Ironman three years ago

– We all have the same amount of time, don’t waste your time!

– Nutrition plan

– It’s okay to be a little crazy

– Homemade Pizza >>>

– Let’s get it!! 48 miles here we go…

– Contact us on Facebook and Instagram @hillpursuit, and email at hillpursuit@gmail.com

– Check out our STORE, COACHING, WEBSITE, and YOUTUBE here!! https://linktr.ee/hillpursuit